What is Kratom Aromatherapy?

The use of fragrances to affect or alter a person's mood or behavior.

Source: Dictionary.com. Dictionary.com Unabridged. Random House, Inc.
http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/aromatherapy (accessed: January 09, 2015)

Many natural plant materials, powders, oils, extracts, hydrosols, and resins are commonly used for aromatherapy. There are literally thousands of aromatherapy options available across this spectrum of materials. Just a few examples include kratom, sage, nag champa, frankincense, myrrh, benzoin, sandlewood, lavendar, eucalyptus, and chamomile. Each of these aromatherapy sources & materials varies in terms of their scents, their uses, and their ability to relax, elevate mood, and/or cleanse a space.